In the manager's portal, you have the option to quickly clear yards where hives may have been inadvertently left behind. This can happen when the hives are not accurately scanned to their new location.
This can result in inaccurate data in BeeTrack, where certain yards may be marked as active even though they do not have any hives and should actually be marked as inactive.
Once yards are cleared out, any hives that were inside will be flagged as "lost". You can easily view these lost hives within the portal. For more information on lost hives, click here.
There are multiple methods to clear out yards in BeeTrack. You have the option to clear out yards individually or to select multiple yards and clear them all at once.
Single yard
Step 1 - Select a yard
Start by going to the page of the yard you want to clear out.
You also have the option to clear out a yard by accessing the more option menu located next to a yard on the whiteboard. Simply select the clear out yard option from the menu. You also have the option to clear out a yard by selecting a yard on the yard map and then clicking on the more options button in the left panel.
Step 2 - Expand the more options menu then click clear out yard
You can only clear out yards that currently have hives in them. If the yard is inactive, the option will be disabled.
Step 3 - Select an option
You will be presented with two options in a modal window. The first option (A) is to simply clear out the yard, which will remove all hives from that location, mark them as "lost," and change the status of the yard to "inactive."
The second option (B) is to clear out the yard and delete it from your operation. If you choose to delete the yard, it will be removed from your operation, but the hives will still be flagged as "lost."
Multiple yards
Step 1 - Select yards
Select all the yards you wish to clear out by using the multi selection tool on the whiteboard.
Step 2 - Select the option clear out
You can only clear out yards that are marked as active. If you have selected any inactive yards, they will be ignored and not cleared out.
Step 3 - Click clear out