Scan a tag with QR, NFC, or by entering the tag ID number.
While using BeeTrack, you will need to scan hive tags to use different features in the app, including Track hives, Track deadout, and Hive inspection.
The scanning method is the same for all features. The app will go to the most recently used scanning option the next time you need to scan.
Scanning with QR
If using QR, point your camera towards the tag while holding the phone 6-12 inches away. The phone will read each QR code automatically. You will hear a beep and the phone will vibrate with each successful scan.
Do not hit "NEXT" until you have scanned all the hives in the yard. You can scan all the hives in one pass before submitting.
Scanning with NFC
Select the NFC option and hit "Scan now".
Phone users will see the Ready to Scan screen and may need to bring the top of the phone close to the tag.
Do not hit submit until you have scanned all the hives in the yard. You can scan all the hives in one pass.
Entering tag ID
The tag ID can be found at the top of each BeeTrack tag. Each number is unique, and only assigned to your operation.
Select the ID option at the top of your screen, and enter the hive ID number. You can enter multiple hives at a time before hitting "NEXT" and "SUBMIT".