With the new RFID tags, you can now use scanners to quickly scan all the hives within a yard in seconds. Scanning can be performed up to ~ 2 meters / 6 feet from the tags. Allowing you to fast walk through the hives right after unloading them.
Click here to view the list of supported scanners.
In order to use the feature batch scanning follow these steps:
Step 1 - Replace old tags for new tags
Our cutting-edge tags are integrated with RFID technology, making it essential to upgrade to the new tags in order to utilize the batch scanning feature effectively. We highly recommend replacing all your old tags with the new ones in your beekeeping operation.
ℹ️ For detailed instructions on how to efficiently replace the tags in your beekeeping operation, click here.
Step 1.1 - On the home page, select the orange + icon.
Step 2 - Select Add Hives
Step 3 - Choose an existing yard or create a new yard
You can select whether you want to add the hives into an existing yard(A) or create a new yard(B).
ℹ️ If you want to learn how to create a new yard, click here
Step 4 (A) - Select existing yard
By default, the closest yard card is shown first. You can also swipe right or left between the yard cards if you want to select a different one then click select yard.
Step 5 - Select the option RFID
Once you have selected the option RFID, press start scanning.
Step 6 - Activate your bluetooth
In order to detect scanners close to you, make sure that your bluetooth is turned on by pressing Turn on. Then follow the steps shown on the screen.
ℹ️ If your bluetooth is already enabled on your phone, you won't see this screen.
Step 7 - Select the scanner
Select the scanner you which to use and press Connect.
Step 6 - Start scanning
A: The scanner is equipped with three indicators: Bluetooth, battery, and network. These indicators provide essential information about the scanner's status.
B: To initiate scanning, simply hold the top trigger on the scanner and point it toward the tags on the yards. This action allows you to scan within a range of approximately 2 meters or 6 feet from the RFID tags.
You can also switch between two different scanning views on the app. Click here to read more about it.
Step 7 - Verify the count
To minimize errors prior to proceeding, it is recommended to verify the accuracy of the scanned hive count before pressing the Next button.
Step 8 - Submit
Different views
You can always switch back in forth between the views without loosing any of your progress.
Detailed view
With the detailed view, you can observe the hive status, including whether the hive is moving to this yard and its origin yard. The total number of hives is small in the detailed view, which is why we also offer a simplified view.
Simplified view
The simplified view allows you to focus on the number of scanned hives, helping you ensure that you do not miss any hives when scanning quickly.
List of supported scanners
❗ As of 2023, we only support the ZEBRA RFD9090 scanner
Want to make the switch to RFID tags in your operation?