Nectar's Planning feature allows Manager's to create Crews, assign workers to crews, and assign yard visits and tasks to their crews. Workers will be able to see the tasks/yards assigned to them in the mobile app.
In the Managers Portal:
To use Planning, you must first create crews in the Managers' Portal in the Operations tab, by clicking on 'Crews'.
Once created, you can assign workers to Crews by ticking the box next to their name by clicking on 'Workers' in the Operations tab.
Navigate to the Planning tab, and select 'Create Visits'
Create a description for the visit, you can describe what the tasks are for this visit, what equipment to bring, etc.
Note: This description will be attached to each yard that is selected in this visit.
Assign a Crew to the visit
Add yards to the visit by clicking the + icon next to each yard name on the map,
OR hit the 'Draw Selection' button at the top of the map to add multiple yards at once by click and dragging a perimeter around them.
Once all yards for this visit are added, hit 'create' in the top right of the map.
Back on the Insights Main page, you will see your Crew's and there yards with descriptions assigned to them. You can move the yard tiles around freely to change their order or move them between crews.
Note: Yards will turn green (complete) once a report has been done on that yard.
In The App:
Workers can access their assigned visits in the 'Visits' section in the 'Activity' tab.
They will see all tasks assigned to them, and see which have been complete.
When a worker completes a report on a yard or a hive in the visit list, they will have the option in the report summary to select which visit they are completing. This will then turn the visit green (complete) in their visits list in the app.