Release 3.6.0
Version: Nectar portal v3.6.0 - App 1.16.3
Release Date: March 6, 2023
What's New
Nectar Application:
Managers can now create drops within an orchard. Learn more
You can now assign new yards to an orchard/contract. Learn more
You can assign existing yards to an orchard/contract. Learn more
Two new temporary statuses have been added for drops: Emptied and Unloaded, which can be applied within the application. Learn more
Nectar Portal:
Managers can assign a yard to a contract from the yard page, or re-assign the yard to another contract.
You can now assign multiple yards to a contract via the multi-selection tool on the yard list.
Managers can see which yards have been set as unloaded or emptied from the contract drops list.
What's Improved
Nectar Application:
Drop markers on the map now show the amount of hives currently scanned in the drop versus the required amount of hives.
Yard markers on the map now include the total amount of hives in the yard.
Nectar Portal:
Drop markers on the pollination map now show the amount of hives currently scanned in the drop versus the required amount of hives.
When searching for a drop, the name of the contract will be displayed before the name of the drop.
Activities now include the name of the category before the practices.
What's fixed
Fixed an issue where reactivating a yard would display the creation date as the "active since" date instead of the correct date the yard was reactivated.
Fixed a bug where Spanish characters for POI would not appear correctly on the app.
GPS accuracy improvement when phone goes to sleep.
Other bugs fixed