Before proceeding with the steps outlined in this article, ensure that you have already created the groups you intend to use in your operation. If you haven't done so, you can learn how to create groups by clicking here.
Assigning yards to groups is particularly useful when you want to organize your yards based on regions, types, or teams. BeeTrack provides the flexibility to create unlimited groups of yards, and yards can be assigned to multiple groups. This feature allows you to filter and manage your list of yards by the designated groups, making your yard management more structured and organized.
There is currently multiple ways to assign yards to groups:
Assign an individual yard
1. Assign an individual yard to a group
A. From the yard page
Step 1 - Go to the yard page then select "Assign to group"
Step 2 - Select groups and click 'assign'
You have the flexibility to select any number of groups that you want a specific yard to be a part of.
B. From the yard list
Step 1 - Go to the yard list and select the '3 dots' icon next to the yard
Step 2 - Select groups and click 'assign'
You have the flexibility to select any number of groups that you want a specific yard to be a part of.
2. Assign multiple yards to groups
Step 1 - Select all the yards and click 'assign to group'
Step 2 - Select groups and click 'assign'
You have the flexibility to select any number of groups that you want a specific yard to be a part of.